The Van Gogh thing was awesome! Could you let me know where exactly in San Francisco this is located? I'm planning to check it out the next time I'm there. On a more serious note, when it comes to preservation, the issues of reforestation and re-wilding immediately come to mind. Often, the planting of trillions of trees becomes a major headline, yet very few are focusing on stopping deforestation. Similarly, the Silicon Valley mindset provides people like George Church with millions of dollars to revive woolly mammoths (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/13/geneticist-george-church-gets-funding-for-lab-grown-woolly-mammoths.html) However, I work for a natural history museum where we are struggling to find, train, and support taxonomists and data scientists to understand and preserve endangered species. But I agree that "there are a number of ways for each of us to be involved in our local environmental decision".

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